You know its meant to be though when you forget to mention to your "driver" that you will NEED to make a stop at the Czech Stop, you doze off, and wake up from your cat nap as the car is taking the correct exit. Thank goodness it was next to Sonic. :)
I still have not mentioned where we were going. G had to go to Dallas to take care of some business at the last minute, so I volunteered to tag along (i.e. go to Sprinkles bakery) and babysit Gavin. I tried to meet up with some friends too, but it was so last minute that everyone already had plans. No biggie. I got Gavin a pupcake since he was so good and then we went to the dog park.
Oh you know I had to get some more cupcakes too! I was a little upset they did not have my favorite, Strawberry, on Sundays, but that's OK. I got a milk chocolate, carrot cake, red velvet and a black and white (my second fave).
So far, the test taster has approved of the kolaches, cookie sandwiches, the carrot cake (although he said mine is better- yippee! Recipe coming soon), and the milk chocolate cake (a bit dry). Obviously I have not eaten any of it.
OK. Um Need to go to the gym now. Bye.

P.S. Here are the many looks of a dog sleeping in the car
I love visitng new eating places! Enjoy those treats!